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Number of items at this level: 3.

Bryan, S (2011) Extensive Reading, Narrow Reading and second language learners: implications for libraries. Australian Library Journal, 60 (2). pp. 113-122.

Hardy, Dianna, Morgan, Matthew, Atkinson, Ian, McGinty, Sue, Cadet-James, Yvonne, Hannan, Agnes, and James, Robert (2008) Enabling lightweight video annotation and presentation for cultural heritage. In: Proceedings of eResearch Australasia 2008. pp. 1-9. From: eResearch Australasia 2008, 28 September - 3 October 2008, Melbourne, VIC. Australia.

Konovalov, Dmitry A., Manning, Clint, and Henshaw, Michael T. (2004) KINGROUP: a program for pedigree relationship reconstruction and kin group assignments using genetic markers. Molecular Ecology Notes, 4 (4). pp. 779-782.

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