Scaling of unsteady magnetic convection boundary layer growth for Pr>1 fluids

Bednarz, Tomasz, Kaneda, Masayuki, Lin, Wenxian, and Dranga, Octavian (2009) Scaling of unsteady magnetic convection boundary layer growth for Pr>1 fluids. In: Proceedings of 46th National Heat Transfer Symposium. pp. 689-690. From: 46th National Heat Transfer Symposium, 2 - 4 June 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

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The scaling to characterize unsteady boundary layer development for thermo-magnetic convection of paramagnetic fluids with the Prandtl number greater than one is developed. Under the consideration is a square cavity with initially quiescent isothermal fluid placed in microgravity condition (g = 0) and subject to a uniform, vertical gradient magnetic field. A distinct magnetic thermal-boundary layer is produced by sudden imposing of a higher temperature on the vertical sidewall and as an effect of magnetic body force generated on paramagnetic fluid. The transient flow behavior of the resulting boundary layer is shown to be described by three stages: the start-up stage, the transitional stage and the steady state. The scaling is verified by numerical simulations with the magnetic momentum parameter m variation and the parameter γRa variation.

Item ID: 9505
Item Type: Conference Item (Presentation)
Keywords: magnetic convection; scaling analysis; unsteady flow; paramagnetic fluids; thermal boundary layer
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Date Deposited: 04 Jun 2010 00:31
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