Performance in reading radiographs: does level of education predict skill?

Margolis, Steven A., Nilsson, Karl Anders, and Reed , Richard L. (2003) Performance in reading radiographs: does level of education predict skill? Journal of Continuing Education in the Health professions, 23 (1). pp. 48-53.

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Introduction: Previous studies demonstrated lack of progress in electrocardiographic analysis skills with increasing levels of medical education. This study examined radiograph analysis skills, a similar cognitive task, across a range of educational experience: senior medical students (n = 23), family practice residents (n = 16), general practitioners (n = 41), and their family practice educators (n = 7).

Methods: Written records of diagnosis or descri@ion of abnormalities were used to detect skill in interpreting radiographs. The instrument was 12 sets of radiographs: 2 normal and 6 abnormal chest radiographs and 2 normal and 2 greenstick radial fractures.

Results: The mean score for correctly diagnosing all 12 sets of radiographs was 5.59 +/- 1.68, and the mean score for correctly diagnosing the 4 normal radiographs as normal and the abnormal radiographs us abnormal was 8.76 & 1.55. There was no statistically signifcant difference between the four groups of participants.

Discussion: Skill level in interpreting radiographs did not appear to improve with additional experiential training and may require a more formal educational approach to address this issue.

Item ID: 9444
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1554-558X
Keywords: analysis; family practice; radiograph; residents; skill; continuing medical education
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Date Deposited: 10 Apr 2010 01:13
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