Coaching stroke survivors to persevere with practice: An observational behavioural mapping study

Neibling, Bridee, Smith, Moira, Barker, Ruth N., and Hayward, Kathryn S. (2024) Coaching stroke survivors to persevere with practice: An observational behavioural mapping study. Clinical Rehabilitation.

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Objective: To quantitatively describe therapists’ use of coaching with stroke survivors, in a hospital-based rehabilitation setting, to promote perseverance with longer-term practice. Design: Prospective observational behavioural mapping study. Setting: Rehabilitation unit of a regional public hospital in Queensland, Australia.

Main measures: A custom-designed behavioural mapping tool was used to collect rehabilitation session contextual data and therapists' use of coaching. Data were captured in 3-minute epochs for a maximum of 30 minutes. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics.

Results: Thirty-six rehabilitation sessions, including 34 participants (therapists n = 22, stroke survivors n = 12) were observed. Rehabilitation sessions were mostly inpatient (n = 33, 91.7%), one-on-one (n = 30, 83.3%), and conducted in the physiotherapy (n = 160, 45.5%) or occupational therapy (n = 155, 44.0%) gym. Strategies to promote perseverance were used in 76.7% (n = 267) of observed epochs. The most frequently used strategy was monitoring the quality of practice and the least frequently used strategy was utilising a support person to facilitate practice.

Conclusion: Coaching that may promote perseverance with practice was regularly used by therapists during hospital-based rehabilitation sessions. Coaching that may enable longer-term perseverance beyond a therapist-dependent rehabilitation model was less commonly observed.

Item ID: 84352
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1477-0873
Keywords: behavioural mapping, coaching,perseverance, Stroke rehabilitation
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Copyright Information: CC BY.
Date Deposited: 17 Dec 2024 01:31
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