The Importance of Behavior in the Recruitment of Marine Fauna and Flora

Paris, Claire Beatrix, and Wolanski, Eric (2020) The Importance of Behavior in the Recruitment of Marine Fauna and Flora. Frontiers Media SA, Lausanne, Switzerland.

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Recent advances in our understanding of the self-recruitment and connectivity of island, coastal, and estuarine fauna and flora were made possible by an integration of physical oceanographic observations and modelling with results from studies of the behaviour of the seeds, eggs, larvae, propagules, juveniles and polyps, of population dynamics, microchemical tagging using natural and artificial markers, genetics and direct observations of trajectories. The spatial scales of dispersal and connectivity vary with the species from a few meters to 1,000's of kilometers, and the temporal scales vary from one to several generations. These studies suggest that, with increasing physical openness of a given site for a given species, self-recruiting increasingly relies on the behaviour of individuals.

Thus the integration of oceanographic and biological (i.e., early life history traits, including behaviour) understanding and interactions is increasingly required in dispersal and recruitment studies.

This Research Topic will focus on coupled biophysical processes during the early phase of marine species, which are the very foundation of marine populations and ecosystems. It will take a dual theoretical and empirical approach to understand the dispersion and fate of offspring (seeds, eggs, larvae, propagules, juveniles and polyps), largely through projects that have applications in marine conservation. It will deal with advances in the fields of movement ecology and oceanography including larval navigation. Significant applications of this research are the optimization of MPA networks, the spread of invasive species, diseases, and pollutants in the marine environment, and the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems.

Item ID: 83932
Item Type: Book (Edited)
ISBN: 978-2-88963-501-6
ISSN: 1664-8714
Copyright Information: Frontiers eBook Copyright Statement The copyright in the text of individual articles in this eBook is the property of their respective authors or their respective institutions or funders. The copyright in graphics and images within each article may be subject to copyright of other parties. In both cases this is subject to a license granted to Frontiers. The compilation of articles constituting this eBook is the property of Frontiers. Each article within this eBook, and the eBook itself, are published under the most recent version of the Creative Commons CC-BY licence. The version current at the date of publication of this eBook is CC-BY 4.0. If the CC-BY licence is updated, the licence granted by Frontiers is automatically updated to the new version.
Date Deposited: 30 Oct 2024 01:40
FoR Codes: 37 EARTH SCIENCES > 3708 Oceanography > 370803 Physical oceanography @ 100%
SEO Codes: 18 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT > 1805 Marine systems and management > 180506 Oceanic processes (excl. in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean) @ 100%
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