'Other' artefacts: Stone, bone and shell … glass, metal and ceramic

Litster, Mirani (2024) 'Other' artefacts: Stone, bone and shell … glass, metal and ceramic. Australian Archaeology, 90 (1). pp. 66-68.

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[Extract] Fifty years ago, Australian archaeology was a young discipline operating under a sympathetic Whitlam Government, during a period of significant Aboriginal rights activism and heritage protection (Murray 1998). In August 1974, the World Heritage Convention was ratified and in the following year the Australian Heritage Commission and Register of the National Estate were created, raising the profile of historical and Indigenous heritage across the nation. Increased momentum in Indigenous archaeology propelled it further into public consciousness (Wallis 2020). A number of disciplinary histories have explored this early period in detail (Griffiths 2018; Moser 1995, 2007; Murray 1998; Spriggs 2020) and commentaries have also drawn attention to a number of significant issues including ownership of the past (e.g. Langford 1983), gender and archaeology (e.g. Moser 2007; Smith and Burke 2006; Smith et al. 2023), the impacts of neoliberalism (e.g. Wallis 2020). Several ‘state of the discipline’ overviews have also contributed to this dialogue (e.g. Mate and Ulm 2016, 2021; Ulm et al. 2005, 2013).

Item ID: 83877
Item Type: Article (Commentary)
ISSN: 2470-0363
Copyright Information: © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2024 23:47
FoR Codes: 45 INDIGENOUS STUDIES > 4501 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, language and history > 450101 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander archaeology @ 50%
43 HISTORY, HERITAGE AND ARCHAEOLOGY > 4301 Archaeology > 430101 Archaeological science @ 50%
SEO Codes: 21 INDIGENOUS > 2104 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and culture > 210401 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artefacts @ 50%
13 CULTURE AND SOCIETY > 1307 Understanding past societies > 130703 Understanding Australia’s past @ 50%
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