Consensus on Terminology for Describing Child Language Interventions: A Delphi Study

Denman, Deborah, Kim, Jae-Hyun, Munro, Natalie, Speyer, Renée, and Cordier, Reinie (2021) Consensus on Terminology for Describing Child Language Interventions: A Delphi Study. Journal Of Speech Language And Hearing Research, 64 (9). pp. 3504-3519.

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Purpose: Language intervention for children with language disorder may be effective; however, lack of detailed and consistent terminology for describing language interventions poses barriers for advancement within the field. This study aimed to develop consensus from speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in Australia on a taxonomy with terminology for describing language interventions for school-aged children and investigate SLPs' application of taxonomy terminology when describing child language interventions.

Method: A taxonomy with terms for describing interventions was developed with reference to contemporary literature and presented to clinicians and researchers with expertise in child language disorders in a three-round Delphi study. We asked Delphi participants to indicate agreement with the taxonomy or propose changes. Application of the taxonomy was investigated by asking participants to use taxonomy terminology to describe interventions presented in two case studies. Results: The taxonomy consists of five aspects across which interventions may be described: modality/domain, purpose, delivery, form, and teaching techniques. Consensus on the taxonomy was established in both Round 1 (55 participants) and Round 2 (43 participants), with 100% of SLPs strongly agreeing or agreeing with the overall structure of the taxonomy and at least 87.3% of SLPs strongly agreeing or agreeing with each aspect. In Round 3 (32 participants), consensus was reached on 45/54 taxonomy categories (4/12 of the components) for Case Study 1 and 45/54 taxonomy categories (7/12 of the components) for Case Study 2.

Conclusions: Consensus on a taxonomy with terminology for describing language interventions represents a significant advancement in the field of child language intervention. Future actions may be needed to facilitate consistent application of taxonomy terms.

Item ID: 83794
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1558-9102
Copyright Information: © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Date Deposited: 15 Oct 2024 03:04
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