Lanthanoid pseudo-Grignard reagents: A review

Halim, Md Abdul, Guo, Zhifang, Blair, Victoria L., Deacon, Glen B., and Junk, Peter C. (2024) Lanthanoid pseudo-Grignard reagents: A review. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 1010. 123094.

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This review covers the progress of the chemistry of divalent lanthanoid pseudo-Grignard, compounds, with E-Ln-X bonding (E = C, N, O; X = I, Br, Cl, F), especially since the 2002 review of Petrov et al. (2002)[1]. Emphasis is on synthetic pathways and the structures of these compounds. Their use in oxidation and metathesis reactions is discussed together with a consideration of interactions with organic substrates. The compounds appear to have considerable untapped potential.

Item ID: 83611
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1872-8561
Keywords: Grignard reagents, Lanthanoids, Rare earths, Structures, Synthesis
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