When is a reported air-stable PrIV complex not a PrIV complex? Answer: when it is PrIII

Guo, Zhifang, Deacon, Glen B., and Junk, Peter C. (2024) When is a reported air-stable PrIV complex not a PrIV complex? Answer: when it is PrIII. Journal of Coordination Chemistry. (In Press)

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All the data recently reported for the purported air/water stable PrIV complex, [(L)PrIV(L)4(OH0.94Cl0.06)2PrIV(L)]n (L = N-acetylanthranilate) [1], have been reinterpreted to show that it is, in fact, the PrIII complex [Pr2L6(H2O)2]n. Importantly, it is isomorphous with its reported EuIII analogue [Eu2L6(H2O)2]n [2], providing further evidence of the incorrect assignment in the literature.

Item ID: 83610
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1029-0389
Keywords: coordination chemistry, oxidation, Praseodymium, X-ray crystal structure
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