An Overview of Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis for Waste Management, with Some Thoughts about Processing Industrial Hemp and Other Woody Wastes

Brodie, Graham, and Jacob, Mohan V. (2024) An Overview of Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis for Waste Management, with Some Thoughts about Processing Industrial Hemp and Other Woody Wastes. Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 24 (S1). pp. 7-11.

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The generation of waste is significantly influenced by the increase in population and industrialization, thereby compelling the increased demand for waste management and resource recovery. This paper investigates the potential opportunities presented by the utilization of microwave-assisted pyrolysis for processing plastic and organic waste materials, with a particular focus on industrial hemp leaves, hurds, and root materials, and other feedstocks. Drawing from a range of published studies, it is suggested that microwave-assisted pyrolysis has the potential to achieve energy neutrality or even energy generation, if all byproducts are used. Depending on factors such as recoverable volumes and the associated recovery costs of commercially significant chemicals like vinegars and bio-oils, the microwave-assisted pyrolysis of industrial hemp leaves, hurds, and root materials may prove to provide high return of the yield and profits. Additionally, this paper explores the production of other valuable byproducts such as syngas and biochar from alternative feedstocks, particularly when data related to hemp processing is not readily available.

Item ID: 83596
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1443-9255
Keywords: Bio-oil,Biochar,Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis,Organic waste,Syngas,Waste Management
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Copyright Information: Copyright (c) 2024 Graham Brodie, Mohan V. Jacob. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Date Deposited: 11 Sep 2024 04:17
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