Strongyloidiasis does not discriminate: nor should the screening and treatment

Cooper-Beknazarova, Meruyert, White, Mae, Whiley, Harriet, Gray, Darren J., Mutombo, Polydor N., Bradbury, Richard, McManus, Don, Gordon, Catherine, Judd, Jenni, and Ross, Kirstin E. (2021) Strongyloidiasis does not discriminate: nor should the screening and treatment. Internal Medicine Journal, 51 (12). pp. 2160-2161. (In Press)

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Strongyloidiasis is caused by the soil-transmitted helminth, Strongyloides stercoralis. It has been estimated to infect between 380 and 613 million people worldwide1, 2 and remains endemic in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia.3-12 Despite strongyloidiasis being a chronic health issue and seroprevalence reaching 60% in some communities,13 the true incidence remains unknown as a result of underdiagnosis and absence of surveillance data across Australia

Item ID: 83587
Item Type: Article (Commentary)
ISSN: 1445-5994
Copyright Information: © 2021 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2024 00:58
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