Linking direct rainfall hydrodynamic and fuzzy loss models for generating flood damage map

Sedighkia, Mahdi, and Datta, Bithin (2024) Linking direct rainfall hydrodynamic and fuzzy loss models for generating flood damage map. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 323-335.

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This research work proposes a combined method for mapping flood loss in catchment scale in which direct rainfall modelling and fuzzy approach are linked. The direct rainfall modelling was carried out using HEC-RAS 2D in which rainfall event hyetograph was defined as the boundary condition, and infiltration layer and roughness layer were other main inputs of the model. The fuzzy loss model was developed to assess direct-tangible damages of the flood in which expert opinions were applied to generate verbal fuzzy rules of flood loss. In this model, depth and velocity are inputs and normalized flood loss (between 0 and 1) is output. The results of the direct rainfall model and the fuzzy loss model were combined to generate loss map using python scripting in geographical information system. The output of direct rainfall model was verified based on recorded depths at downstream hydrometric station in which the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and root mean square error (RMSE) were applied as the evaluation indices. Due to acceptability of indices (NSE = 0.75, RMSE = 0.83 m), the direct rainfall model was reliable. Maximum flood loss was 0.91 in the case study. Using the proposed approach is recommendable for to improve flood damage assessment in the catchments.

Item ID: 83532
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 2164-3040
Keywords: direct rainfall, expert opinions, Flood loss map, hydrodynamic modelling, Mamdani fuzzy approach
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