Choosing to stay or go

Moore, Liam (2019) Choosing to stay or go. Routed Magazine (4).

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[Extract] Studies and predictions of how flows of migration and displacement are influenced by climate change are gaining salience in popular discourse. However, while increased attention on this important topic is welcome, the perspectives and narratives popularised about climate-related (im)mobility are often unhelpful and misguided. While there is a fast-growing body of research on how climate change may influence patterns of migration and displacement, problematically, those internally displaced because of slow-onset hazards receive the least attention. These groups also fall within gaps in existing legal and normative protection frameworks and are often located in the most vulnerable areas of countries who have contributed the least to climate change itself. However, even though the situation seems dire, we cannot assume these people want to leave, or their movement is inevitable.

Item ID: 83495
Item Type: Article (Commentary)
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