In search of plants - Banks, Solander and the botany of Cook

Crayn, Darren (2024) In search of plants - Banks, Solander and the botany of Cook. Native Plants Queensland, 62 (4). pp. 30-37.

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When most people think of Captain James Cook's first voyage, they think of the geographical discoveries. It is less well appreciated that the voyage was principally one of scientific discovery. This paper discusses the natural history science, specifically botanical science, that was undertaken on this voyage and the significance of the discoveries with special reference to the events at the Endeavour River. Herein I describe the main characters responsible for the botany, Mr Banks and Dr Solander, recount where they went and what they did, discuss the events at the Endeavour River, and then outline the scientific legacies of the journey.

Item ID: 83485
Item Type: Article (Scholarly Work)
ISSN: 2204-5929
Date Deposited: 28 Aug 2024 00:12
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