Incorporating humour in the educational journey of young tourists: a systematic multidisciplinary review

Fehrest, Farima, Panchal, Jenny, Pabel, Anja, and Murphy, Laurie (2024) Incorporating humour in the educational journey of young tourists: a systematic multidisciplinary review. European Journal of Humour Research, 12 (2). pp. 145-162.

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Humour for children has received attention from various academic domains. However, the topic is a less explored area in the field of tourism. Addressing this research gap, the present study aims to firstly identify the main themes of humour that are discussed in the academic literature about children, and secondly to outline how the identified themes can be applied to children’s learning experiences in tourism settings. The study employs content analysis to systematically review 190 relevant publications from multidisciplinary fields sourced from ScienceDirect and Scopus. Five overarching themes were identified across studies of various disciplines and characters. The emerging themes were interpreted through the lens of Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory to develop a conceptual framework for children’s learning experiences in tourism contexts. The paper enhances our understanding of the children’s literature in the context of tourism by providing both theoretical and practical insights. It specifically focuses on how humour can be utilised to enrich children's learning in the realm of tourism.

Item ID: 83463
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 2307-700X
Keywords: humour, children, education, tourism, children’s learning
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Copyright Information: Copyright (c) 2024 The European Journal of Humour Research. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Date Deposited: 20 Aug 2024 04:02
FoR Codes: 35 COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT, TOURISM AND SERVICES > 3508 Tourism > 350803 Tourism management @ 80%
44 HUMAN SOCIETY > 4406 Human geography > 440608 Recreation, leisure and tourism geography @ 20%
SEO Codes: 11 COMMERCIAL SERVICES AND TOURISM > 1104 Tourism services > 110402 Socio-cultural issues in tourism @ 40%
11 COMMERCIAL SERVICES AND TOURISM > 1101 Environmentally sustainable commercial services and tourism > 110199 Environmentally sustainable commercial services and tourism not elsewhere classified @ 60%
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