Docile Bodies (of Work): Coaxing the Neoliberal Academic via the Online Researcher Profile

Maguire, Emma (2023) Docile Bodies (of Work): Coaxing the Neoliberal Academic via the Online Researcher Profile. In: Ortiz-Vilarelle, Lisa, (ed.) Career Narratives and Academic Womanhood: In the Spaces Provided. Routledge Auto/Biography Studies . Routledge, New York, NY, USA, pp. 36-53.

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The researcher profile page has emerged as a site for digital life narratives in contemporary universities. However, the broad and diverse experience of an academic identity is not always easily parceled into this standardized institutional form. This essay investigates the institutional and media forces that shape such researcher online profiles, using my own profile as a case study. I offer an automedial analysis of my profile and argue that the autobiographical subject which emerges from the profile is a neoliberal academic, represented by the quantifiable products of their labor and mobilized in service of their university’s corporate brand.

Item ID: 81242
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 9781003808596
Copyright Information: © 2024 selection and editorial matter, Lisa Ortiz-Vilarelle; individual chapters, the contributors.
Date Deposited: 08 Mar 2024 04:05
FoR Codes: 47 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 4701 Communication and media studies > 470107 Media studies @ 50%
47 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 4702 Cultural studies > 470208 Culture, representation and identity @ 50%
SEO Codes: 13 CULTURE AND SOCIETY > 1302 Communication > 130204 The media @ 100%
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