Roger Llewellyn Dunmore Cribb Obituary (1948 - 2007)

McIntyre-Tamwoy, Susan R, White, Bruce, and Skeene, George (2008) Roger Llewellyn Dunmore Cribb Obituary (1948 - 2007). Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2008 (1). pp. 148-152.

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Many people knew Roger Cribb, or we thought we did. Since he died on Sunday 26 August 2007 in Cairns, north Queensland, a variety of people have written about the Roger they knew (for example, the obituaries by his ex-wife and friend Gulcin Cribb (2007) and the Wikipedia page put together by Bruce White (2007)). The questions many of us now ask ourselves are 'How many Rogers were there?' and 'Where did the Roger we know fit in?'

I was asked to write this obituary and I was happy to do so as I admired Roger's tenacity and his genuine concern for Aboriginal peoples in Cape York. However, I felt inadequate for the task on my own and so sought input from two other north Queenslanders who knew him well, Bruce White and George Skeene. Bruce worked with Roger at Tharpuntoo Legal Service and George is a Yirrganydji Traditional Owner with whom Roger worked on a voluntary basis over many years, helping him to map and record the archaeological sites of his people.

Item ID: 8083
Item Type: Article (Other)
ISSN: 0729-4352
Keywords: biography, archaeologists, obituary
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Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2010 22:27
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