Extreme convergence: cultural heritage extremes in location, conditions and practice

McIntyre-Tamwoy, Susan (2009) Extreme convergence: cultural heritage extremes in location, conditions and practice. Historic Environment, 22 (1). pp. 2-4.

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This issue of Historic Environment is comprised of selected papers from the eXtreme heritage conference held in Cairns in 2007 that were chosen to reflect the range and nature of the themes addressed in the conference. The papers have been reworked by their authors and peer reviewed for this publication. The conference sought to capture a broad range of topical heritage issues under the umbrella of extreme environments and conditions. These were captured in the full title: ‘eXtreme heritage: managing heritage in the face of climatic extremes, natural disasters and military conflicts in tropical, desert, polar and off-world landscapes’.

Historic Environment Volume 21 Issue Number 1 was themed ‘Global Climate Change and Cultural Heritage’. It included papers presented at the Public Forum on this subject which was held in conjunction with the conference. It included climate change related resolutions from the conference delegates which were drafted during the conference plenary session.

Item ID: 8079
Item Type: Article (Commentary)
ISSN: 0726-6715
Keywords: cultural heritage; extreme heritage
Additional Information:

This publication does not have an abstract. The first two paragraphs of the paper are displayed as the abstract.

Date Deposited: 01 Apr 2010 00:31
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