Incorporating social determinants of health into individual care for people with type 2 diabetes

Frier, Amanda Louise (2022) Incorporating social determinants of health into individual care for people with type 2 diabetes. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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Amanda Frier investigated how social determinants of health could be incorporated into individual care of people with type 2 diabetes. She found they could be incorporated into intervention, practice, and community levels of diabetes care. Success and sustainability rely on organisational and management commitment. This will augment person-centred diabetes care.

Item ID: 79889
Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Keywords: Aboriginal Australians, Australia, clinical settings, health workers, Indigenous Australians, literature review, person-centred care self-management, social conditions, social determinants of health, social need, socio‐economic factors, Torres Strait Islanders, type 2 diabetes
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Copyright Information: Copyright © 2022 Amanda Louise Frier.
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Six publications arising from this thesis are stored in ResearchOnline@JCU, at the time of processing. Please see the Related URLs. The publications are:

[Chapter 1] Frier, Amanda, and Devine, Sue (2017) Including social determinants of health in the clinical management of diabetes. Australian Diabetes Educator, 20 (2).

[Chapter 3] Frier, Amanda, Devine, Sue, Barnett, Fiona, and Dunning, Trisha (2020) Utilising clinical settings to identify and respond to the social determinants of health of individuals with type 2 diabetes - a review of the literature. Health and Social Care in the Community, 28. pp. 1119-1133.

[Chapter 4] Frier, Amanda, and Devine, Sue (2020) Poverty and inequality in Australia. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 28. pp. 94-95.

[Chapter 4] Frier, Amanda, Devine, Sue, McBain-Rigg, Kristin E., Barnett, Fiona A., Cassady, Zara A., Dunning, Trisha, and Reese, Robyn L. (2021) Indigenous Australian perspectives on incorporating the social determinants of health into the clinical management of type 2 diabetes. Rural and Remote Health, 21 (2). 6352.

[Chapter 5] Frier, Amanda, Devine, Sue, Barnett, Fiona, McBain-Rigg, Kris, and Dunning, Trisha (2022) Improving type 2 diabetes care and self-management at the individual level by incorporating social determinants of health. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46 (6). pp. 865-871.

[Chapter 6] Frier, Amanda, Devine, Sue, Barnett, Fiona A., McBain-Rigg, Kris, and Dunning, Trisha (2022) Incorporating social determinants of health into individual care - a multidisciplinary perspective of health professionals who work with people who have type 2 diabetes. PLoS ONE, 17 (8). e0271980.

Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2023 05:11
FoR Codes: 42 HEALTH SCIENCES > 4206 Public health > 420606 Social determinants of health @ 35%
45 INDIGENOUS STUDIES > 4504 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing > 450419 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social determinants of health @ 35%
42 HEALTH SCIENCES > 4206 Public health > 420605 Preventative health care @ 30%
SEO Codes: 21 INDIGENOUS > 2103 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health > 210301 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander determinants of health @ 35%
20 HEALTH > 2002 Evaluation of health and support services > 200201 Determinants of health @ 35%
20 HEALTH > 2004 Public health (excl. specific population health) > 200412 Preventive medicine @ 30%
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