The Geology of Australia [3rd edition]

Henderson, Robert, and Johnson, David (2016) The Geology of Australia [3rd edition]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

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The Geology of Australia documents the rich and spectacular heritage of the Australian continent over the last 4400 million years.

Now in its third edition, The Geology of Australia provides an easy- to- read, comprehensive overview of Australia's geology, landscapes and Earth resources. Beginning with the Precambrian rocks that hold clues to the origins of life and the development of an oxygenated atmosphere, it goes on to cover the warm seas, volcanism and episodes of mountain building that formed the eastern third of the Australian continent.

This illuminating history details the breakup of the supercontinents Rodinia and Gondwana, the times of previous glaciations, the development of climates and landscapes in modern Australia, and the creation of the continental shelves and coastlines.

This comprehensively revised third edition features: -two new chapters on geological time and Paleozoic orogenic rock systems and mountain building -new and updated illustrations and full-colour images -a description of the origin of the Australian continent and landscapes in simple language.

From Uluru to the Great Dividing Range, from earthquakes to dinosaurs, from sapphires to the stars, The Geology of Australia explores the timeless forces that have shaped this continent.

Item ID: 7902
Item Type: Book (Research - A1)
ISBN: 978-1-139-92386-6
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The first edition was published as follows and can be accessed from the link in the Related URLs section:

Johnson, David (2004) The Geology of Australia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Date Deposited: 05 Jan 2010 22:26
FoR Codes: 37 EARTH SCIENCES > 3705 Geology > 370599 Geology not elsewhere classified @ 100%
SEO Codes: 97 EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE > 970104 Expanding Knowledge in the Earth Sciences @ 100%
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