Recreation, Music and Duty of Care: Fariss v Axford

Davies, Chris (2022) Recreation, Music and Duty of Care: Fariss v Axford. James Cook University Law Review, 28. pp. 129-136.

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It is well-established that a duty of care may be owed in a recreational setting. The case of 'Farriss v Axford' involved a plaintiff, Tim Farriss, who injured his hand while endeavouring to secure an anchor on a boat he had chartered from the defendant, John Axford. The first issue was what actually caused the injury, and whether there had been a breach of a duty of care. However, as the plaintiff was a founding member of well-known Australian band, INXS, the case also involved the issue of what economic damages, if any, should be awarded, taking into consideration the fact that the injury Farriss suffered prevented him from playing the guitar and therefore plying his trade.

Item ID: 77905
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1839-2792
Keywords: duty of care, recreation, music
Copyright Information: © James Cook University Law Review. You may also make a copy of the article available on your personal server or webpage and put a copy in your institution’s research publications archive or database or in other open-access digital repositories, without seeking the Editors’ consent, provided full details of publication in the James Cook University Law Review are given.
Date Deposited: 23 Mar 2023 02:02
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