Multi-proxy evidence of long-term environmental change in northern Australia's tropical savannas

Rivera Araya, Maria Jose (2020) Multi-proxy evidence of long-term environmental change in northern Australia's tropical savannas. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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Maria Rivera Araya studied the environmental changes in climate, vegetation and fire in Cape York Peninsula using lagoon sediments during the last 33,000 years. She found five main periods of change in the area surrounding the lagoon. These periods were related to changes in sea level and monsoon activity. This thesis will enable a more detailed understanding of past regional monsoon dynamics and human environment interactions.

Item ID: 76813
Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Keywords: chronology, radiocarbon, hydrogen pyrolysis, dating, Sanamere Lagoon, Cape York Peninsula, sedimentology, stratigraphy, vegetation, climate, fire, palaeohydrology
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Copyright Information: Copyright © 2020 Maria Jose Rivera Araya.
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One publication arising from this thesis is stored in ResearchOnline@JCU, at the time of processing. Please see the Related URLs. The publication is:

[Chapter 4] Rivera Araya, Maria, Rowe, Cassandra, Levchenko, Vladimir, Ulm, Sean, and Bird, Michael I. (2022) A radiocarbon chronology for Sanamere Lagoon, Cape York Peninsula, using multiple organic fractions. Quaternary Geochronology, 70. 101273.

Date Deposited: 16 Nov 2022 23:18
FoR Codes: 37 EARTH SCIENCES > 3709 Physical geography and environmental geoscience > 370905 Quaternary environments @ 35%
37 EARTH SCIENCES > 3703 Geochemistry > 370303 Isotope geochemistry @ 35%
43 HISTORY, HERITAGE AND ARCHAEOLOGY > 4301 Archaeology > 430103 Archaeology of Australia (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) @ 30%
SEO Codes: 13 CULTURE AND SOCIETY > 1307 Understanding past societies > 130703 Understanding Australia’s past @ 50%
28 EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE > 2801 Expanding knowledge > 280107 Expanding knowledge in the earth sciences @ 50%
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