Patient Satisfaction and Oral Health-related Quality of Life (ohrqol) of Edentulous People after Mandibular Denture Relining With a Soft-liner Material: A Pilot Study

Khazaleh, Mosab, Dever, Garth, Taylor, Jane, Ramamurthy, Poornima, and Sharma, Dileep (2022) Patient Satisfaction and Oral Health-related Quality of Life (ohrqol) of Edentulous People after Mandibular Denture Relining With a Soft-liner Material: A Pilot Study. The Open Dentistry Journal, 16. e187421062208050.

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Background: Oral health-related quality of life indicators have been effectively used to assess the influence of a range of dental treatments and interventions on patient satisfaction and acceptance.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of the relining of mandibular dentures with a soft-liner material, using the Oral Health Assessment Index (OHIP-14).

Methods: Forty-two full denture wearers were selected from patients who attended 9 private prosthetic clinics in New South Wales, Australia. All participants had their lower dentures relined with a soft-liner material, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Oral health-related quality of life was evaluated before and 1 month after relining using the Oral Health Assessment Index questionnaire. A simple descriptive quantitative analysis of the survey results was undertaken, including a comparison of median scores using the Wilcoxon paired test and binomial probability test.

Results: In all the outcome variables measured, there was a noticeable positive effect from the denture relining. Specifically, mandibular denture relining with a silicon-based soft-liner material has a positive impact on patient satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of edentulous patients.

Conclusion: Patient satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of edentulous patients can be significantly improved by the use of soft-liner materials.

Item ID: 76674
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1874-2106
Keywords: Patient satisfaction, Mandibular denture, Soft liner, Edentulism, Denture relining, Patients.
Copyright Information: © 2022 Khazaleh et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY 4.0), a copy of which is available at: This license permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Date Deposited: 01 Nov 2022 00:03
FoR Codes: 32 BIOMEDICAL AND CLINICAL SCIENCES > 3203 Dentistry > 320311 Prosthodontics @ 100%
SEO Codes: 20 HEALTH > 2001 Clinical health > 200105 Treatment of human diseases and conditions @ 100%
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