Food waste and associated carbon footprint:Evidence from Chinese universities

Qian, Long, Rao, Qingling, Liu, Hongbo, McCarthy, Breda, Liu, Li Xian, and Wang, Lingen (2022) Food waste and associated carbon footprint:Evidence from Chinese universities. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 8 (1). 2130094.

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In recent years there has been widespread concern regarding the carbon footprint of food waste, particularly as China's food waste is rising with its economic development. China has the largest scale of higher education in the world, and the amount of food waste in university canteens is considerable and cannot be ignored. This study attempts to assess the carbon footprint (CF) of food waste at Chinese universities. It is estimated that 1.55 million tons of food were wasted in Chinese university canteens in 2018 based on 9,192 samples covering 29 provinces in China. The associated CF was 2.51 Mt CO2eq. The top two food categories contributing to the total CF were meat and grains, accounting for 46.28% and 36.5 2%, respectively. Furthermore, the location of the university was significantly associated with the CF of plate waste I t also indicates that household income, meal satisfaction, sex, education, meal days, and food saving campaigns are important factors influencing the CF of food waste This study highlights areas that can help reduce the environmental impact of plate waste. It also provides targeted measures to reduce the associated CF of food waste in Chinese universities.

Item ID: 76230
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 2096-4129
Copyright Information: © Taylor & Francis & The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis Group and Science Press on behalf of the Ecological Society of China. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability content is Open Access, published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) on a continuous basis. This means that content is freely available to all readers upon publication and content is published as soon as production is complete. ESC holds an exclusive license to the content, the author(s) hold copyright and retain the right to publish. Visit our FAQ page for information on re-use.
Date Deposited: 05 Oct 2022 04:34
FoR Codes: 38 ECONOMICS > 3801 Applied economics > 380105 Environment and resource economics @ 100%
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