Enhancing urban sustainability through integrated transport planning in three largest Australian cities

Wadhwa, Lal C. (2005) Enhancing urban sustainability through integrated transport planning in three largest Australian cities. In: Brebbia, C.A., and Wadhwa, L.C., (eds.) Urban Transport XI: urban transport and the environment in the 21st Century. Advances in Transport, 77 . WIT Press, Southampton, UK, pp. 333-342.

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The traditional urban transport planning process has given rise to unsustainable transport systems.

Higher car ownership, more and longer trips and less public transport are the direct outcomes of traditional transport planning.

This has brought about astronomical community costs in terms of road fatalities and injuries, congestion, massive capital investment and environmental degradation. The recent transport plans in metropolitan cities in Australia have been developed within the integrated transport and land use framework and are a crucial part of the strategic plans for improving the quality of life and liveability in the cities.

Key sets of goals aimed at enhancing sustainability include (a) increased share of public transport modes, cycling and walking and (b) improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

To ensure the achievement of these objectives, massive investments and expansion of public transport systems are being pursued.

In this paper, it is aimed to examine the action plans for achieving the key objective of sustainability.

The discussion focuses on targets, plans and measures for achieving the desired outcomes as well as the alignment of transport plans with related environmental management strategies for the cities.

These are brought out through detailed examination and evaluation of the recent urban transport plans of three largest Australian cities (Brisbane 2002-16), Melbourne (2030) and Sydney (2010).

Item ID: 7496
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 978-1-84564-008-8
Keywords: environment management; sustainability; traffic; transport; waste management; urban amenity; transport planning; integrated framework; sustainability; Australia; liveability;
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Date Deposited: 14 Jan 2010 05:49
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12 BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND DESIGN > 1201 Architecture > 120102 Architectural Heritage and Conservation @ 33%
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SEO Codes: 96 ENVIRONMENT > 9605 Ecosystem Assessment and Management > 960511 Ecosystem Assessment and Management of Urban and Industrial Environments @ 34%
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