Cyberbullying & Employment Law: A missed opportunity for School Principals and Teachers and those Lawyers who Advise Them? (2019) The Queensland Lawyer

Floyd, Louise (2019) Cyberbullying & Employment Law: A missed opportunity for School Principals and Teachers and those Lawyers who Advise Them? (2019) The Queensland Lawyer. Queensland Lawyer, 38 (2). pp. 93-101.

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The landmark 2018 Queensland Government Report into Cyberbulling provided recommendations on the modern day evil of cyberbullying between students at school. While no one can doubt the worth of that Report, it is fair to say that a substantial omission from the terms of reference was upstream bullying (the bullying of School Principals and Teachers by students and parents). After all, if a student sees their parents successfully bullying a Teacher or School Principal, won’t that child learn that bullying works? And will that “lesson” not undermine the good the Report is attempting to achieve? This article addresses the law pertaining to upstream bullying. It argues that the existing law is inadequate to protect school staff and there is a need for law reform. Given the recent findings of the 2019 survey into the wellbeing of School Principals this article should be useful for lawyers advising schools and also law reformers.

Item ID: 73687
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 0312-1658
Keywords: cyberbullying - education law - employment law
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Date Deposited: 08 May 2022 23:25
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