China’s future grain demand and international trade reforms

Tian, Wei-Ming, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue (2005) China’s future grain demand and international trade reforms. In: Zhou, Zhang-Yue, and Tian, Wei-Ming, (eds.) Grains in China: foodgrain, feedgrain and world trade. The Chinese Economy . Ashgate , Aldershot, England, pp. 196-215.

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[Extract] As has been pointed out in earlier chapters, direct human consumption of grains in China has declined. On the other hand, consumption of animal products in China has increased rapidly, which has led to the increased derived demand for feedgrains. It is commonly held that China's ability to increase grain production is limited and that large imports of feedgrain are required in the long term. Hence, it is useful to examine China's future foodgrain and feedgrain demand in a broader context and in conjunction with the developments in the international grain market. This has become even more important given that China is now a member of the WTO, which leads the domestic market to being more closely linked with the international market, and thus more affected by the reforms in international trade arrangements.

Item ID: 7361
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 978-0-7546-4280-0
Keywords: China; grain demand; international trade
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Date Deposited: 20 Jan 2010 04:26
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