‘The Summers Were Getting Hotter’: exploring motivations for migration to Tasmania away from mainland Australia.

Osbaldiston, Nick (2022) ‘The Summers Were Getting Hotter’: exploring motivations for migration to Tasmania away from mainland Australia. Australian Geographer, 53 (4). pp. 461-476.

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In recent times there has been a population turnaround in the island state of Tasmania sparked by an increase in in-migration of mainland urban dwellers. This paper argues that one of the major driving factors of this change is the quest for a new lifestyle in regional/rural life, that incorporates a desire for a temperate climate. As literature in lifestyle migration shows, this quest for a new life does not end once migration is over. Rather, the migration experience continues well after the move. In this paper, it will be shown how weather not only attracts migrants into Tasmania, but then encourages/discourages certain activities allowing the individual to engage in new ways of living. The paper suggests that while we need to be careful about romanticising this, we can potentially view this shift as emblematic of people’s relationship to climate change.

Item ID: 73399
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1465-3311
Keywords: Tasmania; Weather; Climate Change; Lifestyle Migration; Amenity Migration; Counter-urbanisation
Copyright Information: © 2022 Geographical Society of New South Wales Inc.
Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2022 01:28
FoR Codes: 44 HUMAN SOCIETY > 4410 Sociology > 441013 Sociology of migration, ethnicity and multiculturalism @ 70%
44 HUMAN SOCIETY > 4403 Demography > 440303 Migration @ 30%
SEO Codes: 19 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, CLIMATE CHANGE AND NATURAL HAZARDS > 1901 Adaptation to climate change > 190103 Social impacts of climate change and variability @ 100%
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