Understanding the Influence of Media Narratives on Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Management

Newlands, M., Mahony, T., Bohensky, E., and Lubicz, C. (2021) Understanding the Influence of Media Narratives on Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Management. External Commissioned Report. Queensland Department of Environment and Science, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

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This project contributes to the Reef 2050 RWQIP objectives of maintaining viable communities and improved governance in how it is identifying the existing water quality media narratives. Our development of practical tools for government-based stakeholders, marine park managers, media outlets and end users to align better the commentary between groups around behaviours aimed at improving water quality in the Reef. Having a better understanding of media narratives contributes to the 2025 Human Dimension target recommending better policy and program decisions (informed by the learnings of this project) to extend the reach of programs that seek to engage natural resource and land managers. This challenge builds on existing practices, contributing, and has identified the drivers of narratives (both physical and Meta). In doing so it achieves its primary outcomes that could result in a culture of innovation that can enhance and encourage new modes of stewardship, and feedback loop into the producers and consumer model.

Item ID: 71154
Item Type: Report (External Commissioned Report)
Keywords: media, Reef, water quality; narratives; Queensland
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Copyright Information: © the author(s) 2021.
Additional Information:

This project is through the Queensland Government's Queensland Reef Water Quality Program as part of a suite of projects addressing the prioritised human dimension knowledge needs to be identified in the Reef 2050 Water Quality Research, Development and Innovation Strategy (2017-2022).

Funders: Queensland Government's Queensland Reef Water Quality Program (Reef 2050)
Projects and Grants: Reef 2050 Water Quality Research, Development and Innovation Strategy (2017-2022)
Date Deposited: 19 Jan 2022 21:15
FoR Codes: 44 HUMAN SOCIETY > 4407 Policy and administration > 440704 Environment policy @ 30%
44 HUMAN SOCIETY > 4407 Policy and administration > 440701 Communications and media policy @ 70%
SEO Codes: 23 LAW, POLITICS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES > 2302 Government and politics > 230204 Public services policy advice and analysis @ 100%
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