Plants of the Burra Range

Jackes, Betsy (2021) Plants of the Burra Range. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

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The Burra Range section of the White Mountains National Park is a popular wildflower area between the small townships of Pentland and Torrens Creek, 276 km west of Townsville, northern Queensland, Australia. Entrance to the park is clearly marked on the Flinders Highway (refer GPS notes below). Canns Camp Creek camping ground is available for site booking.

The diversity of plant communities and species is a result of the geological history of this area. It is part of the Galilee Basin dating from the late Carboniferous. The first sediments laid down were fluvial sandstones, and it is these as well as other sandstones and sediments that were subsequently laid down, that form the current plateau. Here the plateau is dissected frequently with deep gorges so that the sandstone is often exposed. Ironstone nodules are exposed in various areas as are lateritic pinnacles. These formations are rusty red in colour as they are particularly rich in iron.

Soils in the area range from sandy to grey, yellow and red earths and various mixtures. This variation in topography together with the resulting mixtures of soils and different drainage patterns has resulted in a large diversity of plant species. The vegetation is dependent on soil type, hydrology and underlying geology, some 590 plant species have so far been recorded for the park. The Warang section of the park to the north of Torrens Creek is not as easily accessible as the Burra Range section.

The turnoff for the road leading to the Warang section is approximately 10 km west of Torrens Creek. The signpost is marked Spring Hill Rd and White Mountains Rd.

The plants listed in this book are arranged in groups and subgroups, as far as possible these are based on easily observed features such as habit and leaf. However, within each section there will be a mixture of styles/keys to families and/or species that have been recorded for the Burra Range section of the White Mountains National Park. Hence, you will find a section with all the gum trees and another section with all the wattles, the rest of the plants will be in groups based on common features. Included is a guide to the plants based on flower colour.

Species included in this publication are supported by herbarium records supplemented by species noted by members of the Townsville Native Plants. The Warang section of the White Mountains National Park was extensively collected by Queensland Herbarium staff in 2003 (Thompson et al. 2003 Geography Monograph Series No. 3. The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland Inc. Brisbane. Pp 85–115). Many plants recorded for this section have been included as well as some species of interest that occur along the roadside from Pentland west to Torrens Creek and Bullock Creek en route to Hughenden. Bullock Creek is also crossed en route to Warang section. Refer to Atlas of Living Australia for localities of specimens lodged in Herbaria.

Item ID: 68952
Item Type: Book (Reference)
ISBN: 978-0-6452143-0-7
Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2021 05:25
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