Stability analysis of a feedback controlled resonant dc-dc converter

Dranga, Octavian, Buti, Balazs, and Nagy, Istvan (2003) Stability analysis of a feedback controlled resonant dc-dc converter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 50 (1). pp. 141-152.

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This paper reports on the stability analysis of one member of a dual-channel resonant DC-DC converter family. The study is confined to the buck configuration in symmetrical operation. The output voltage of the converter is controlled by a closed loop applying constant-frequency pulsewidth modulation. The dynamic analysis reveals that a bifurcation cascade develops as a result of increasing the loop gain. The trajectory of the variable-structure piecewise-linear nonlinear system pierces through the Poincare plane at the fixed point in state space when the loop gain is small. For stability criterion the positions of the characteristic multipliers of the Jacobian matrix belonging to the Poincare map function defined around the fixed point located in the Poincare plane is applied. In addition to the stability analysis, a bifurcation diagram is developed showing the four possible states of the feedback loop: the periodic, the quasi-periodic, the subharmonic, and the chaotic states. Simulation and test results verify the theory.

Item ID: 682
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1557-9948
Keywords: Resonant dc-dc converter, Stability, Bifurcation behaviour
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