Sugarcane and the Wet Tropics: reading the Georgic mode and region in John Naish's farm novel The Cruel Field (1962)

Smyth, Elizabeth (2021) Sugarcane and the Wet Tropics: reading the Georgic mode and region in John Naish's farm novel The Cruel Field (1962). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 21 (2).

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Many critics consider the pastoral ideal as key to understanding Australia's rural development and therefore interpret regional literature as either supporting or working against that ideal. However, this approach is problematic for a farm novel centred on labour and a harsh reality. This essay introduces the georgic mode as a new interpretative framework. In a reading of John Naish's The Cruel Field (1962), I identify georgic conventions of the harvest, seasons, labour, harsh conditions, heroism, and farming instructions. These conventions convey insights into the wet tropics bioregion of the mid-twentieth century. Regional insights arise from depictions of sugarcane, seasons, rainforest, Indigenous people, and women. I argue that sugarcane farming and Indigenous fishing align with the georgic mode. My inclusion of Indigenous fishing extends concepts of the georgic and subverts a pastoral tradition. Spatial boundaries situate the farm and sea as georgic, and rainforest as pastoral. This delineation recognises human management of country beyond the farm. This essay has repercussions for how 'the pastoral' is understood and positions the georgic mode as integral to interpretations of the farm novel. Along the way, I correct a lack of critical attention to the Welsh-migrant writer, John Naish, and build on Cheryl Taylor and Elizabeth Perkins' research on North Queensland literature to revive and reshape understandings of 'the North'.

Item ID: 68187
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1833-6027
Keywords: sugarcane, farm novel, georgic, pastoral, australia
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Funders: Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship
Date Deposited: 25 Aug 2021 23:41
FoR Codes: 47 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 4705 Literary studies > 470502 Australian literature (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander literature) @ 100%
SEO Codes: 13 CULTURE AND SOCIETY > 1302 Communication > 130203 Literature @ 100%
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