Youth justice and penality in comparative context

Goldson, Barry, Cunneen, Chris, Russell, Sophie, Brown, David, Baldry, Eileen, Schwartz, Melanie, and Briggs, Damon (2020) Youth justice and penality in comparative context. Routledge, Abingdon, UK.

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This book represents the first major analysis of Anglo-Australian youth justice and penality to be published and it makes significant theoretical and empirical contributions to the wider field of comparative criminology. By exploring trends in law, policy and practice over a forty-year period, the book critically surveys the ‘moving images’ of youth justice regimes and penal cultures, the principal drivers of reform, the core outcomes of such processes and the overall implications for theory building. It addresses a wide range of questions including:

How has the temporal and spatial patterning of youth justice and penality evolved since the early 1980s to the present time?

What impacts have legislative and policy reforms imposed upon processes of criminalisation, sentencing practices and the use of penal detention for children and young people?

How do we comprehend both the diverse ways in which public representations of ‘young offenders’ are shaped, structured and disseminated and the varied, conflicting and contradictory effects of such representations?

To what extent do international human rights standards influence law, policy and practice in the realms of youth justice and penality?

To what extent are youth justice systems implicated in the production and reproduction of social injustices?

How, and to what degree, are youth justice systems and penal cultures internationalised, nationalised, regionalised or localised?

The book is essential reading for researchers, students and tutors in criminology, criminal justice, law, social policy, sociology and youth studies.

Item ID: 66258
Item Type: Book (Research - A1)
ISBN: 9780815374466
Copyright Information: © Barry Goldson, Chris Cunneen, Sophie Russell, David Brown, Eileen Baldry, Melanie Schwartz and Damon Briggs. All rights reserved.
Date Deposited: 14 May 2021 05:19
FoR Codes: 48 LAW AND LEGAL STUDIES > 4805 Legal systems > 480507 Youth justice @ 100%
SEO Codes: 23 LAW, POLITICS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES > 2304 Justice and the law > 230499 Justice and the law not elsewhere classified @ 100%
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