Origin of the Oligocene Tuolangla porphyry-skarn Cu-W-Mo deposit in Lhasa terrane, southern Tibet

Huang, Yong, Ren, Ming-hua, Liang, Wei, Li, Guang-ming, Heilbronn, Kelly, Dai, Zuo-wen, Wang, Yi-yun, and Zhang, Li (2020) Origin of the Oligocene Tuolangla porphyry-skarn Cu-W-Mo deposit in Lhasa terrane, southern Tibet. China Geology, 3 (3). pp. 369-384.

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View at Publisher Website: https://doi.org/10.31035/cg2020047


Although some porphyry-skarn deposits occur in post-collisional extensional settings, the post-collisional deposits remain poorly understood. Here the authors describe the igneous geology, and mineralization history of Tuolangla, a newly-discovered porphyry-skarn Cu-W-Mo deposit in southern Tibet that belongs to the post-collisional class. The deposit is associated with Lower Cretaceous Bima Formation. It was intruded by granodiorite porphyry intrusions at about 23.1 Ma. Field investigation indicated that mineralization is spatially and temporally associated with granodiorite porphyry. Molybdenite yielded a Re-Os weighted mean age of 23.5 +/- 0.3 Ma and is considered to represent the age of skarn mineralization at the deposit. The delta S-34 values of sulfides, concentrated in a range between 0.6 parts per thousand to 3.4 parts per thousand, show that the sulfur has a homogeneous source with characteristics of magmatic sulfur. The Pb isotopic compositions of sulfides indicate that ore-forming metal materials were derived from the mantle and ancient crust. The granodiorite porphyry displays high SiO2 (68.78%-69.75%) and K2O (3.40%-3.56%) contents, and relatively lower Cr (2.4x10(-6) -4.09x10(-6) ), Ni (2.79x10(-6)-3.58x10(-6)) contents, and positive epsilon(Hf)(t) values (7.7-12.9) indicating that the mineralization porphyry was derived from the partial melting of juvenile lower crust. The Tuolangla deposit is located in the central part of Zedang terrane. This terrane was once considered an ancient terrane. This terrane is in tectonic contact with Cretaceous ophiolitic rocks to its south and Mesozoic continental margin arc volcanics and intrusions of the Gangdese batholith of the Lhasa terrane to its north. Thus, the authors proposed that the Oligocene porphyry skarn Cu-W-Mo mineralization is probably associated with the Zedang terrane. This finding may clarify why the Oligocene (about 23 Ma) deposits are found only in the Zedang area and why mineralization types of the Oligocene mineralization are considerably different from those of the Miocene (17-14 Ma) mineralization. (C) 2020 China Geology Editorial Office.

Item ID: 66061
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 2096-9430
Keywords: Porphyry skarn type Cu-W-Mo deposit, Geochronology, Re-Os isotopic age, Zircon U-Pb isotopic age, Tuolangla, Gangdese belt, Tibet, China
Copyright Information: Copyright © 2020 Editorial Office of China Geology. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Funders: National Key Research and Development Plan of China (NKRDP), Chinese Geological Survey (CGS), China Scholarship Council
Projects and Grants: NKRDP 2018YFC0604103, NKRDP 2018YFC0600308, CGS DD20190147
Date Deposited: 02 Dec 2020 07:31
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