Full counting statistics for electron transport in periodically driven quantum dots

Honeychurch, Thomas, and Kosov, Daniel (2020) Full counting statistics for electron transport in periodically driven quantum dots. Physical Review B, 102. 195409.

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Time-dependent driving influences the quantum and thermodynamic fluctuations of a system, changing the familiar physical picture of electronic noise which is an important source of information about the microscopic mechanism of quantum transport. Giving access to all cumulants of the current, the full counting statistics (FCS) is the powerful theoretical method to study fluctuations in nonequilibrium quantum systems. In this paper, we propose the application of FCS to consider periodic driven junctions. The combination of Floquet theory for time dynamics and nonequilibrium counting-field Green’s functions enables the practical formulation of FCS for the system. The counting-field Green’s functions are used to compute the moment generating function, allowing for the calculation of the time-averaged cumulants of the electronic current. The theory is illustrated using different transport scenarios in model systems.

Item ID: 65698
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 2469-9969
Copyright Information: © 2020 American Physical Society. APS authors are free to post the final published version of their articles on their laboratory and institutional web sites.
Date Deposited: 16 Feb 2021 00:13
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