Evolution and ecological adaptations of microornamentation in Australian geckos (Gekkota, Squamata)

Riedel, Nils Jendrian (2020) Evolution and ecological adaptations of microornamentation in Australian geckos (Gekkota, Squamata). PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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View at Publisher Website: https://doi.org/10.25903/3w26-vv52


Riedel studied the microstructures in geckos. Riedel found that hydrophobic, self-cleaning spinules (small stalks) have co-evolved with terrestrial microhabitat use as an adaptation to high exposure to dirt. Furthermore, Riedel established that the Binoe's Gecko is a model organism to study the evolution of adhesive toepads.

Item ID: 65454
Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Keywords: Australian geckos, Binoe's Gecko, skin morphology, microornamentation, microstructures, microhabitats, ecological adaptations, evolution, adhesive toepads, setae
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Copyright Information: © 2020 Nils Jendrian Riedel.
Additional Information:

For this thesis, Nils Riedel received the Dean's Award for Excellence 2021.

Four publications arising from this thesis are stored in ResearchOnline@JCU, at the time of processing. Please see the Related URLs. The publications are:

[Chapter 2] Riedel, Jendrian, Vucko, Matthew J., Blomberg, Simone P., Robson, Simon K.A., and Schwarzkopf, Lin (2019) Ecological associations among epidermal microstructure and scale characteristics of Australian geckos (Squamata: Carphodactylidae and Diplodactylidae). Journal of Anatomy, 234 (6). pp. 853-874.

[Chapter 3] Riedel, Jendrian, Vucko, Matthew John, Blomberg, Simone P., and Schwarzkopf, Lin (2020) Skin hydrophobicity as an adaptation for self-cleaning in geckos. Ecology and Evolution, 10 (11). pp. 4640-4651.

[Appendix I] Fushida, Ayano, Riedel, Jendrian, Nordberg, Eric J., Pillai, Rishab, and Schwarzkopf, Lin (2020) Can geckos increase shedding rate to remove fouling? Herpetologica, 76 (1). pp. 22-26.

[Appendix II] Pillai, Rishab, Nordberg, Eric, Riedel, Jendrian, and Schwarzkopf, Lin (2020) Nonlinear variation in clinging performance with surface roughness in geckos. Ecology and Evolution, 10 (5). pp. 2597-2607.

Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2021 02:33
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