Improving the accuracy of weed species detection for robotic weed control in complex real-time environments

Olsen, Alex (2020) Improving the accuracy of weed species detection for robotic weed control in complex real-time environments. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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Alex Olsen applied deep learning and machine vision to improve the accuracy of weed species detection in real time complex environments. His robotic weed control prototype, AutoWeed, presents a new efficient tool for weed management in crop and pasture and has launched a startup agricultural technology company.

Item ID: 65379
Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Keywords: deep learning, machine vision, weed species detection, robotic weed control, AutoWeed, weed management, agricultural technology, Lantana camara (lantana), nationally significant weed species
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Copyright Information: © 2020 Alex Olsen.
Additional Information:

Four publications arising from this thesis are stored in ResearchOnline@JCU, at the time of processing. Please see the Related URLs. The publications are:

Chapter 2: Olsen, Alex, Han, Sunghyu, Calvert, Brendan, Ridd, Peter, and Kenny, Owen (2015) In situ leaf classification using histograms of oriented gradients. In: Proceedings of the lnternational Conference on Digital lmage Computing: techniques and applications. pp. 441-448. From: DICTA 2015: lnternational Conference on Digital lmage Computing: techniques and applications, 23-25 Nov 2015, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

Chapters 3 and 4: Olsen, Alex, Konovalov, Dmitry A., Philippa, Bronson, Ridd, Peter, Wood, Jake, Johns, Jamie, Banks, Wesley, Girgenti, Benjamin, Kenny, Owen, Whinney, James, Calvert, Brendan, Rahimi Azghadi, Mostafa, and White, Ronald D. (2019) DeepWeeds: a multiclass weed species image dataset for deep learning. Scientific Reports, 9. 2058.

Chapter 4: Lammie, Corey, Olsen, Alex, Carrick, Tony, and Rahimi Azghadi, Mostafa (2019) Low-power and high-speed deep FPGA inference engines for weed classification at the edge. IEEE Access, 7. pp. 51171-51184.

Chapters 4 and 5: Calvert, Brendan, Olsen, Alex, Philippa, Bronson, and Rahimi Azghadi, Mostafa (2019) Autoweed: detecting Harrisia cactus in the Goondiwindi region for selective spot-spraying. In: pp. 52-57. From: PAWS 2019: 1st Queensland Pest Animal and Weed Symposium, 20-23 May 2019, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2020 00:40
FoR Codes: 07 AGRICULTURAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCES > 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management > 070107 Farming Systems Research @ 35%
09 ENGINEERING > 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering > 090602 Control Systems, Robotics and Automation @ 35%
08 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES > 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing > 080104 Computer Vision @ 30%
SEO Codes: 86 MANUFACTURING > 8614 Machinery and Equipment > 861401 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment @ 100%
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