W.N. Christiansen and the initial Australian investigation of the 21cm hydrogen line

Wendt, Harry , Orchiston, Wayne, and Slee, Bruce (2008) W.N. Christiansen and the initial Australian investigation of the 21cm hydrogen line. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 11 (3). pp. 185-193.

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On 25 March 1951 H.I. Ewen was working on his doctoral thesis at Harvard University when he detected the 21cm hydrogen emission-line (H-line). Within four months of the initial detection, small groups working in Australia and in The Netherlands were able to confirm Ewen’s detection, thereby heralding a new chapter in international radio astronomy. This paper examines the Australian efforts that culminated in the confirmation of the H-line detection, and led to an initial survey of the southern Milky Way which produced the first indication of the spiral arm structure of our Galaxy.

Item ID: 6527
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1440-2807
Keywords: radio astronomy, hydrogen emission-line, Division of Radiophysics, W.N. Christiansen, J.V. Hindman
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Reproduced with permission from Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.

Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2010 01:56
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