Acclimation of leaf respiration temperature responses across thermally contrasting biomes

Zhu, Lingling, Bloomfield, Keith J., Asao, Shinichi, Tjoelker, Mark G., Egerton, John J. G., Hayes, Lucy, Weerasinghe, Lasantha K., Creek, Danielle, Griffin, Kevin L., Hurry, Vaughan, Liddell, Michael, Meir, Patrick, Turnbull, Matthew H., and Atkin, Owen K. (2021) Acclimation of leaf respiration temperature responses across thermally contrasting biomes. New Phytologist, 229 (3). pp. 1312-1325.

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Short-term temperature response curves of leaf dark respiration (R–T) provide insights into a critical process that influences plant net carbon exchange. This includes how respiratory traits acclimate to sustained changes in the environment. Our study analysed 860 high-resolution R–T (10–70°C range) curves for: (a) 62 evergreen species measured in two contrasting seasons across several field sites/biomes; and (b) 21species (subset of those sampled in the field) grown in glasshouses at 20°C:15°C, 25°C:20°C and 30°C:25°C, day : night. In the field, across all sites/seasons, variations in R25(measured at 25°C) and the leaf T where R reached its maximum (Tmax) were explained by growth T (mean air-T of 30-d before measurement), solar irradiance and vapour pressure deficit, with growth T having the strongest influence. R25decreased and Tmax increased with rising growth T across all sites and seasons with the single exception of winter at the cool-temperate rainforest site where irradiance was low. The glasshouse study confirmed that R25and Tmax thermally acclimated. Collectively, the results suggest: (1) thermal acclimation of leaf R is common in most biomes; and (2) the high T threshold of respiration dynamically adjusts upward when plants are challenged with warmer and hotter climates.

Item ID: 64962
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1469-8137
Keywords: climate change, metabolism, phenotypic plasticity, respiration modelling, thermal acclimation, thermal tolerance
Copyright Information: © 2020 The Authors. © 2020 New Phytologist Trust.
Funders: Australian Research Council (ARC)
Projects and Grants: ARC DP0986823, ARC DP130101252, ARC CE140100008
Date Deposited: 04 Nov 2020 07:54
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