Tailoring the properties of PECVD deposited terpinen-4ol thin films

Kumar, Avishek (2018) Tailoring the properties of PECVD deposited terpinen-4ol thin films. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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View at Publisher Website: https://doi.org/10.25903/5cd4ac3e29978


Polymer thin films have been of significant research interest in the field of, mechanics, optics, electronics and medicine. Bioactive coatings are extensively used in marine and medical field for the prevention of biofouling which is colonization of any wetted surface by flora and fauna. Fouling of the surfaces has severe implications for the performance of the material and biocide based coating have been used in the prevention of marine fouling. However, these coatings have adverse environmental effects. Natural antifouling products derived from organisms have been found to be an excellent alternative to biocide based strategies. Terpinen-4-ol derived from Australian Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties.

The Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) method has been used to develop environmentally friendly antifouling coating from Terpinen-4-ol. The effect of Process variables such as substrate temperature have been investigated on the PECVD of terpinen-4-ol. The influence of surface functionalization and the deposition mode of terpinen-4-ol plasma polymer on its antibacterial property has been studied. Coating created in the form of bilayer are tested for their marine antifouling behavior.

The substrate temperature was found to influence the deposition mechanism of Terpinen-4-ol plasma polymers. Hydro Stable terpinen-4-ol plasma polymers were found to be formed at higher substrate temperature. Pulse plasma deposited films exhibited enhanced antibacterial performance. Grafting of ZnO nanoparticles onto the surface of the terpinen-4-ol polymer boosted the antibacterial and UV absorbing properties. The deposited bilayer coatings were effective in preventing the primary stage of marine biofouling. The bilayer acted as biocidal self-polishing coating.

Item ID: 58120
Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Keywords: terpinen-4-ol, PECVD, properties enhancement, antifouling coatings
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Copyright Information: Copyright © 2018 Avishek Kumar
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Publications arising from this thesis are available from the Related URLs field. The publications are:

Chapter 3: Kumar, Avishek, Grant, Daniel S., Bazaka, Kateryna, and Jacob, Mohan V. (2018) Tailoring terpenoid plasma polymer properties by controlling the substrate temperature during PECVD. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 135 (5). 45771.

Chapter 4: Kumar, Avishek, Mills, Scott, Bazaka, Kateryna, Bajema, Nigel, Atkinson, Ian, and Jacob, Mohan V. (2018) Biodegradable optically transparent terpinen-4-ol thin films for marine antifouling applications. Surface and Coatings Technology, 349. pp. 426-433.

Date Deposited: 09 May 2019 23:11
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