Ambush marketing and the Australian Olympic Committee

Davies, Chris (2018) Ambush marketing and the Australian Olympic Committee. James Cook University Law Review, 24. pp. 197-203.

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There is no doubt that sponsorship forms an important source of revenue for professional sport, including the formerly amateur Olympic Games. While a suitable sponsorship agreement provides benefits to both the sport and the sponsor, a potential problem is ambush marketing by rival companies trying to diminish those benefits. This paper focuses on the specific situation of ambush marketing in the context of the Olympic Games. It examines the relevant legislation, the Olympic Games Insignia Act 1987 (Cth), (the 'OIP Act'), and a recent case, Australian Olympic Committee v Telstra Corporation Limited,1 which involved the application of that legislation to a situation that arose during the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. First, it will provide a brief overview of sponsorship and marketing.

Item ID: 57505
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1839-2792
Keywords: Olympic Games, ambush marketing
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Copyright Information: © The Author(s).
Date Deposited: 28 Mar 2019 06:34
FoR Codes: 48 LAW AND LEGAL STUDIES > 4804 Law in context > 480414 Sports law @ 100%
SEO Codes: 94 LAW, POLITICS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES > 9499 Other Law, Politics and Community Services > 949999 Law, Politics and Community Services not elsewhere classified @ 100%
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