Cities can grow without wrecking reefs and oceans. Here's how

Tavares, Silvia, and Dupré, Karine (2018) Cities can grow without wrecking reefs and oceans. Here's how. The Conversation, 11 December 2018.

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[Extract] "What happens if the water temperature rises by a few degrees?" is the 2018 International Year of the Reef leading question. While the ocean is the focus, urbanisation is the main reason for the rising temperatures and water pollution. Yet it receives little attention in this discussion.

In turn, rising temperatures increase downpours and urban floods, adding to the pressures on urban infrastructure.

Item ID: 57218
Item Type: Article (Commentary)
Keywords: urban design; green infrastructure; blue infrastructure; healthy cities
Copyright Information: © 2018 Silvia Tavares and Karine Dupré. Creative Commons: Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0).
Date Deposited: 25 Feb 2019 04:37
FoR Codes: 12 BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND DESIGN > 1205 Urban and Regional Planning > 120504 Land Use and Environmental Planning @ 30%
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12 BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND DESIGN > 1205 Urban and Regional Planning > 120508 Urban Design @ 40%
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96 ENVIRONMENT > 9609 Land and Water Management > 960911 Urban and Industrial Land Management @ 30%
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