Governing north Australian landscapes for a better future

Dale, Allan (2018) Governing north Australian landscapes for a better future. In: Russell-Smith, J, James, G, Pedersen, H, and Sangha, K. K., (eds.) Sustainable land sector development in northern Australia: Indigenous rights, aspirations, and cultural responsibilities. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp. 203-222.

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[Extract]: Presented at the Australian Davos Connection Conference in Townsville in 2014, the multiauthored paper Myth to Reality explored more than 150 years of grand narratives regarding the future prospects for North Australia. Myth to Reality highlighted that over the past 50 years, three big narratives have tended to reappear with great predictability. One of these narratives is based on the perception that North Australia is a place of endless economic bounty and limitless resource development opportunity. The second derives from those who would like to see extensive conservation outcomes (Box 8.1). Both narratives are based on important national needs. There are significant resource development opportunities in the North, while at the same time the region is a largely intact bio-cultural landscape of immense international value (see Chapter 5). Both narratives, however, tend to discount major physical, climatic, economic, and social barriers and opportunities.

Item ID: 55250
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 9780367571191
Copyright Information: © 2019 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Date Deposited: 09 Jun 2020 05:40
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