Sebuah storyline mengenai proses bagaimana penderita diabetes di Indonesia mempelajari mengenai penyakitnya [Storyline of the process of people with diabetes in Indonesia learn about their disease]

Ligita, Titan, Nurjannah, Intansari, Wicking, Kristin, Harvey, Nichole, and Francis, Karen (2019) Sebuah storyline mengenai proses bagaimana penderita diabetes di Indonesia mempelajari mengenai penyakitnya [Storyline of the process of people with diabetes in Indonesia learn about their disease]. Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices, 3 (1). pp. 9-21.

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Latar Belakang: Edukasi diabetes bermanfaat pada perbaikan dalam pengelolaan diabetes secara mandiri serta peningkatan pengendalian kadar gula darahnya. Tetapi, sampai dengan saat ini belum terdapat penelitian dan publikasi mengenai proses bagaimana penderita diabetes di Indonesia mempelajari tentang penyakitnya.

Tujuan: Adapun tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menyampaikan hasil penelitian melalui sebuah storyline/alur cerita yang dikembangkan dari sebuah penelitian grounded theory.

Metode: Studi penelitian yang dimaksud ini bertujuan untuk memahami lebih baik proses bagaimana penderita diabetes mempelajari mengenai penyakitnya melalui metodologi grounded theory. Dua puluh enam partisipan diperoleh melalui metode purposive dan theoretical sampling. Wawancara dilakukan kepada partisipan.

Hasil: hasil penelitian menunjukan pengembangan sebuah teori “Learning, choosing, and acting: self-management of diabetes in Indonesia” (Mempelajari, memilih dan bertindak: manajemen diri diabetes di Indonesia) yang merupakan proses penderita diabetes mempelajari tentang penyakitnya, yang bersifat siklus dan linier.

Kesimpulan: Sebuah storyline atau alur cerita digunakan untuk menjelaskan teori mengenai proses mempelajari, memilih dan bertindak dalam manajemen diri diabetes ini. Rekomendasi ditekankan pada perbaikan dalam memberikan edukasi pada penderita diabetes.

Background: Diabetes education is beneficial to enhance both knowledge and attitudes towards self-care management and glycemic control improvement. However, little is known about the process of how people with diabetes in Indonesia receive and engage in education that promotes their health.

Objective: The purpose of this article is to share the findings in the form of a storyline developed from a grounded theory study.

Method: The aim of the study was to better understand this process using grounded theory methodology. Twenty-six participants were recruited through purposive and theoretical sampling methods. The participants were interviewed.

Result: The results showed a cyclic and dynamic process that lead to the development of a theory entitled Learning, choosing, and acting: self-management of diabetes in Indonesia.

Conclusion: This theory will be explicated using a storyline, along with recommendations to help improve the provision of diabetes education.

Item ID: 55207
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 2548-592X
Keywords: diabetes; grounded theory; manajemen diri; proses belajar; storyline
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Additional Information:

Article was previously accepted for publication by the Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran, but withdrawn.

A version of this publication was included as Appendix I of the following PhD thesis: Ligita, Titan (2019) Self-management of diabetes by people in Indonesia: a grounded theory. PhD thesis, James Cook University, which is available Open Access in ResearchOnline@JCU. Please see the Related URLs for access.

Date Deposited: 20 Sep 2018 01:37
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