Evaluating a 12-week games-based training program to improve cricket batting skill

Connor, J.D., Renshaw, I., Farrow, D., and Abernethy, B. (2016) Evaluating a 12-week games-based training program to improve cricket batting skill. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87 (S1). S30-S31.

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Although a constraints-led approach (CLA) to skill acquisition is different from teaching games for understanding (Renshaw et al., 2015), the theoretical underpinnings of CLA can be utilized when designing games-based training approaches. This study examined whether a games-based training design, underpinned by CLA, was more effective at developing cricket batting skill than a more traditional technically focused coaching approach. Sixteen under-15 skilled cricket batters participated in a 12-week intervention study and were randomly allocated to a traditional or experimental training group. The experimental group participated in activities with manipulated rules, equipment, and outcome goals, while the traditional group focused on optimizing technical batting skill processes. Both groups completed two 2-hr sessions per week, bookended by a pre-intervention and post-intervention batting skills test. This test involved facing 18 balls delivered by bowlers, with the number of successful scoring shots, total runs scored, attacking strokes played, and quality of bat–ball contact recorded. An analysis of variance was used to examine between and within-group differences over time. The experimental group (CLA) demonstrated an increased number of successful scoring shots (3.88 vs. 6.63), and increased number of runs scored (11.63 vs. 20.7), and an improvement in the quality of bat–ball contact (1.26 vs. 1.52) after intervention, while there was no change in the number of attacking strokes played (72.37% vs. 74.63%). These numbers were significantly greater than those for the traditional group, which revealed no changes in the number of successful scoring shots played (4.62 vs. 3.75), the number of runs scored (10.25 vs. 10.00), the quality of bat–ball contact (1.26 vs. 1.29), or attacking strokes played (77.78% vs. 78.87%). Skilled U15 players significantly improved facets of their batting using a games-based training approach, while a more traditional training approach did not lead to improvements. Training using a systematic approach to manipulating constraints is suggested to benefit the overall development of a batter.

Item ID: 52915
Item Type: Article (Abstract)
ISSN: 0270-1367
Date Deposited: 18 Jul 2018 02:52
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