Evaluation of a collaborative project to engage occupational therapy clinicians in promoting practice placement education

Rodger, Sylvia, Thomas, Yvonne, Fitzgerald, Cate, Dickson, David, McBryde, Cathy, Edwards, Ann, Broadbridge, Jacqui, and Hawkins, Rachel (2008) Evaluation of a collaborative project to engage occupational therapy clinicians in promoting practice placement education. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71 (6). pp. 248-252.

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The Queensland Occupational Therapy Fieldwork collaborative (QOTFC), which was founded in 2004, includes representatives from universities, practising occupational therapists, professional registration bodies and key employers, and aims to promote a shared vision for the future of practice placement education (fieldwork) in Queensland, Australia. Strategic alliances between key occupational therapy stakeholders were fostered by the QOTFC to address a shortfall of occupational therapy practice placement education opportunities in Queensland. This paper describes a project that aimed to engage occupational therapy clinicians in localised 'hubs' across the state of Queensland, with a view to solving practice placement shortfalls. The project evaluation and outcomes are discussed. The outcomes indicated that ownership of practice placement education across the entire profession is critical, and can be achieved through a strategic and a collective focus of key stakeholders working collaboratively with local professionals.

Item ID: 5261
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1477-6006
Keywords: practice education; fieldwork; student education; workforce
Additional Information:

Reproduced with permission from College of Occupational Therapists Ltd. © College of Occupational Therapists Ltd

Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2009 22:45
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