Radiophysics field stations and the early development of radio astronomy

Orchiston, Wayne, and Slee, Bruce (2005) Radiophysics field stations and the early development of radio astronomy. In: Orchiston, Wayne, (ed.) The New Astronomy: opening the electromagnetic window and expanding our view of planet earth: a meeting to honor Woody Sullivan on his 60th birthday. Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 334 . Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 119-168.

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During the period 1946–1961 Australia was one of the world’s leading nations in radio astronomy and played a key role in its development. Much of the research was carried out at a number of different field stations and associated remote sites situated in or near Sydney which were maintained by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s Division of Radiophysics. The best-known of these were Dover Heights, Dapto, Fleurs, Hornsby Valley and Potts Hill. At these and other field stations a succession of innovative radio telescopes was erected, and these were used by a band of young scientists—mainly men with engineering qualifications—to address a wide range of research issues, often with outstanding success.

Item ID: 5010
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 978-1-4020-3723-8
Keywords: radio astronomy; Australia; field stations; Badgerys Creek; Dapto; Dover Heights; Fleurs; Georges Heights; Hornsby Valley; Murraybank; Penrith; Potts Hill; solar radio emission; ‘radio stars’; H-line emission
Date Deposited: 17 Sep 2009 04:46
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