The natural setting of Caution Bay: climate, landforms, biota, and environmental zones

Aplin, Ken, Rowe, Cassandra, Peck, Helene, Asmussen, Brit, Ulm, Sean, Faulkner, Patrick, and Richards, Thomas (2016) The natural setting of Caution Bay: climate, landforms, biota, and environmental zones. In: Richards, Thomas, David, Bruno, Aplin, Ken, and McNiven, Ian J., (eds.) Archaeological Research at Caution Bay, Papua New Guinea: cultural, linguistic and environmental setting. Caution Bay Studies in Archaeology, 1 . Archaeopress, Oxford, UK, pp. 75-111.

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In this chapter, we review the present and past environment of Caution Bay set in a broader geographical context, including both terrestrial and marine habitats. Our primary objective is to sketch the general canvas upon which the past 6,000 or so years of local human presence, as represented by the Caution Bay archaeological record, played out. A secondary objective is to document the range of contemporary landforms and explore the spatial distribution and ecological dynamics of the various plant and animal communities that still occupy the present landscape, or did so at the time when Europeans first arrived in the 1870s. Knowledge of the contemporary landscape and its resources represents the starting point for inferring continuities and changes in ways of life for the region's past inhabitants as these are tracked back from the present to the mid-Holocene, and ultimately for understanding the choices people made as they balanced various primary extractive and commercial activities to maintain cultural practices, adopt and develop new ones, survive and prosper. Relationships between people and locales at Caution Bay were, and continue to be, dynamic, with people playing a major role in shaping both the physical and biological landscape, just as the landscape and its resources have influenced the course of human history in this area.

Item ID: 46836
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 978-1-78491-504-9
Keywords: Lapita; Caution Bay; Papua New Guinea; archaeology
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Funders: Australian Research Council (ARC)
Projects and Grants: ARC Discovery Project DP0877782, ARC Discovery Project DP130102514
Date Deposited: 20 Jan 2017 04:25
FoR Codes: 45 INDIGENOUS STUDIES > 4513 Pacific Peoples culture, language and history > 451301 Archaeology of New Guinea and Pacific Islands (excl. New Zealand) @ 50%
37 EARTH SCIENCES > 3709 Physical geography and environmental geoscience > 370905 Quaternary environments @ 50%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9505 Understanding Past Societies > 950599 Understanding Past Societies not elsewhere classified @ 100%
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