Incarceration archipelago of lunacy 'reform' enterprises: an epochal overview

Crowley-Cyr, Lynda (2005) Incarceration archipelago of lunacy 'reform' enterprises: an epochal overview. James Cook University Law Review, 12. pp. 33-64.

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Caring for the vuhlerable and dependent like people with chronic and severe mental illness has always been, in theory, a collaborative effort by society's fundaniental institutions. Each of the four dynamic pillars of modem society (the state, market, family and charity), has a long history of involvement in the care and support of the less fortunate. 'The less fortunate include people disabled with mental illness,. The key focus of this article is the transformation that has taken place in regards to the 'care' and 'control'of people with serious mental illness in most advanced capitalist societies since the eighteenth century.

Item ID: 4663
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1321-1072
Keywords: incarceraton; mental illness
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Reproduced with permission from James Cook University Law Review.

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