Unconventional shale gas reservoir characterization and modelling of the Permian Roseneath and Murteree shales in the Cooper Basin, Australia

Jadoon, Quaid Khan (2016) Unconventional shale gas reservoir characterization and modelling of the Permian Roseneath and Murteree shales in the Cooper Basin, Australia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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View at Publisher Website: https://doi.org/10.25903/rvve-fj71


Unconventional shale gas exploration, production, and utilization in North America over the last 15 years has had a major impact on the hydrocarbon industry. Despite this, these unconventional plays are amongst the least understood of all hydrocarbon exploration targets and shale gas exploration and development remain largely untapped outside of North America. The Cooper Basin is considered to be one of the most highly prospective basins for shale gas in Australia. Within the Cooper Basin, the lacustrine shales of the Permian Murteree and Roseneath formations represent two of the best targets for exploration and form the focus of this thesis. Core plugs and well cuttings from 40 wells in the Cooper Basin, along with associated wireline logs and seismic data were investigated in this study. Lithofacies identification, organic petrology thermal maturity analysis, and geochemistry, as well as rock properties and biomarker study, were compiled and used as input parameters in petrophysical, depositional, mineralogical, and thermal maturity modelling of the Cooper Basin. Using these models, prospective shale horizons for exploration targets were identified and evaluated. The results from this study indicate that the Murteree Shale has the potential to produce commercial quantities of hydrocarbon economically because of a significant volume of kerogen (for adsorbed gas), good thermal maturity , good porosity, and because it has significant amounts of brittle minerals and producible hydrocarbon. Specifically, the Murteree Shale exhibits excellent shale gas potential in and around Nappameri, Patchawarra and Tenappera troughs, but has poor potential in Allunga Trough. In contrast, the Roseneath Shale shows moderate potential in each of these areas, and is overall, less prospective unit for commercial shale gas production. The combination of different techniques provides a holistic approach for evaluating shale gas potential throughout the basin, and these approaches offer considerable advantages for further exploration in the Cooper Basin.

Item ID: 46477
Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Keywords: basin analysis; Cooper Basin; hydrocarbon prospectivity; mineral model; mineralogical modelling; Murteree Formation; Murteree shale; Murteree; Permian; petrophysical properties; petrophysical; Roseneath Formation; Roseneath shale; Roseneath; sedimentology; shale gas reservoirs; shale gas; stratigraphic geology; TOC; XRD
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Publications arising from this thesis are available from the Related URLs field. The publications are:

Chapter 3: Jadoon, Quaid, Roberts, Eric, Blenkinsop, Tom, and Wust, Raphael (2016) Organic petrography and thermal maturity of the Permian Roseneath and Murteree shales in the Cooper Basin, Australia. International Journal of Coal Geology, 154-155. pp. 240-256.

Chapter 6: Jadoon, Quaid Khan, Roberts, Eric, Blenkinsop, Tom, Wust, Raphael A.J., and SHAH, Syed Anjum (2016) Mineralogical modelling and petrophysical parameters in Permian gas shales from the Roseneath and Murteree formations, Cooper Basin, Australia. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 43 (2). pp. 277-284.

Chapter 7: Jadoon, Quaid Khan, Roberts, Eric, Blenkinsop, Thomas, Wust, Raphael A.J., and Shah, Syed Anjum (2016) Petrophysical evaluation and uncertainty analysis of Roseneath and Murteree shales reservoirs in Cooper Basin, Australia (a case study). Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 147. pp. 330-345.

Date Deposited: 28 Nov 2016 23:30
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04 EARTH SCIENCES > 0403 Geology > 040310 Sedimentology @ 20%
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